Monday 22 February 2016

film poster comparison to case studies

comparison of my case studies to my ski-fi film poster:

my case studies are hunger games and star wars my film poster is quite different from my case studies as they all have completely different stories and messages behind them. my film is all about a teenage boy who is schizophenic and is completely and utterly obsessed with robots since he was a young child, he can hear robots and he feels that they are talking to him and giving him tasks to complete and he has to fulfil the needs of the robots. the robots are quite evil and they tell him so start killing innocent humans who they seem to think that they are trying to harm the dystopian world.

my film poster contains the infomation about the actors/actress and this denotes the people who are important to the film. the word "Bots" connotes that there will be robots in the film. the picture depicts a boy who is half human and half robot this uses propp's theory of archetypal charcters for example the hero and villains.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

genre keywords

The BBFC: The British Board of Film Classification is a non-governmental organization, founded by the film industry in 1912 and responsible for the national classification and censorship of films within the United Kingdom.

Segmentation: To divide the marketplace into parts, or segments, which are definable, accessible, actionable, and profitable and have a growth potential.

Target audience: A particular group at which a product such as a film or advertisement is aimed.

Mainstream: The ideas, attitudes, or activities that are shared by most people and regarded as normal or conventional.

Niche: The ideas, attitudes, or activities that are shared by a small amount of people.

Demographics: Statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it.

Psychographics: The study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria, especially in market research.

Uses and gratifications: An approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs.

Utopian solutions: Relating to a perfect or ideal existence.

genre is a specific type of music, film, or writing. Your favorite literary genre might be science fiction, and your favorite film genre might be horror flicks about cheerleaders. Go figure. In music, genre refers to musical style such as jazz, salsa or rock.

a subdivision of a genre of literature, music, film, etc.

A cross-genre (or hybrid genre) is a genre in fiction that blends themes and elements from two or more different genres. As opposed to the (literary and political) conservatism of most genre fiction, cross-genrewriting offers opportunities for opening up debates and stimulating discussion.

Nonlinear narrative, disjointed narrative or disrupted narrative is anarrative technique, sometimes used in literature, film, hypertext websites and other narratives, where events are portrayed, for example out of chronological order, or in other ways where the narrative does not follow the direct causality pattern of ...

Enigma Codes are a part of Wolfenstein's Collectibles, representing parts of a code that, when combined with other segments of the code, can be used to unlock new game modes. Enigma Codes are found throughout many of the levels in The New Order, and a set of 9 codes is required to unlock a portion of the Enigma Code

binary opposition (also binary system) is a pair of related terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning. Binary opposition is the system by which, in language and thought, two theoretical opposites are strictly defined and set off against one another.


Audience: Certainly most of the potential audience for this film will know the story in advance, for since it was published in 2008, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins has sold 10 million copies worldwide and reached near saturation point among teenage readers, especially girls, taking up the slack left by the completion of the Harry Potter and Twilight sequences.  For example when the selection of the representation in the hunger games most of the characters are mostly young adults/ teenagers.


The film appeals to a mainstream audience The Hunger Games, this movie is about children from the age of 12-18 that have to go and fight in the games. They have to do this to be reminded how people have died when they have fought for their Districts. The Districts go up to 1-12. They are picked out a thing called the reaping bowl, these choses the boy and the girl. Katniss Everdeen and her little sister Primrose Everdeen are in district. Prim is chosen from the reaping bowl, a Katniss volunteer as Prim isn’t ready. The boy that is picked is called Petta Mallark a baker boy from district 12 that Katniss Vaguely recognises. They have to fight for their lives to win the game in The Hunger Games. The games have a twist to them and it causes some unfortunate events that can get you killed.The age that the hunger Games is based on is 13 and up. The reason for this is because the film and the books contain gory contents. The interest that people will have when watching the hunger games is Action and the Lifestyle I think would be normal but also people will fill their lives with movies if they wanted to watch these films and some might be intellectual a the hunger games is originally book s so it would get that kind of group in to it. I think the people will watch this movie will be located anywhere; the reason for this is because I think it will appeal to anyone apart from the Group A’s because they won’t be that interested in this type of movie. I also think that people from Group B won’t go see it either.


The BBFC have rated this film as a 12a, I think this is a fair rating because         the film contains intense threat, moderate violence and occasional gory moments some scenes had to be edited or cut as they were too violent to be a teenage film.


The demographics for this film are likely to be teenager related there are more female characters than male characters in the film only the odd few also they are mostly all teenagers some of the characters are a much older in there 50s-60’s the region and the location of the film is set In a few different destinations All of the Capitol scenes were filmed in a studio in Shelby and Charlotte, North Carolina.


       The likely physiographics for this film are the survivors Katniss and Peeta      who are the winners of the hunger games they reach the end without getting shot/ killed  the  care giver in the film is primarily Katniss as she takes her sisters place.


The film satisfy the audience by keeping them entertained , giving information about the film, and the companionship of the characters and the person watching the film.   


Tuesday 26 January 2016

Genre, Representation and repsonse to question 1

Genre: One of my films which is the hunger games which is in the science fiction genre. The story of the hunger games portrays a feminist hero trapped in a dystopian capitalist nightmare. But its message of rebellion and revolution has gone round the world and grossed billions. As its fans explain, the odds were ever in its favour. The hunger games have two sub genres including Sci-Fi and Adventure and The film fits the sub genres The hunger game is a hybrid as I stated above. Sci-fi and adventure. The film is set in a dystopian world which means it’s a sci-fi film, chases and fights from adventure genre . I think the genre of the film plays an important role when making a film and you have to consider whether will my film sell ? statistics show that the most popular films are science fiction and romance so based on this statistic I think that the hunger games will sell quite well in its opening weekend it made£…… and broke the box office records not just here in the united kingdom but in the united states too In a dystopian future, the totalitarian nation of Panem is divided into 12 districts and the Capitol. Each year two young representatives from each district are selected by lottery to participate in The Hunger Games. Part entertainment, part brutal retribution for a past rebellion, the televised games are broadcast throughout Panem. The 24 participants are forced to eliminate their competitors while the citizens of Panem are required to watch. When 16-year-old Katniss' young sister, Prim, is selected as District 12's female representative, Katniss volunteers to take her place. She and her male counterpart, Peeta, are pitted against bigger, stronger representatives, some of whom have trained for this their whole lives. Personally, I think that the hunger games has a good plot because the audience will watch the trailer which is a marketing strategy to make people to watch a film and the plot plays a massive role when making a film successful. The hunger games does have a gripping and an intriguing opening to the film as Katniss’ sister prim has been selected to join district 12 but Katniss runs to her safety and promotes herself instead. The equilibrium = everything goes to plan at the beginning of the story A disruption = prim being elected to join district 12 A recognition of the disruption= katniss realizes she has to save her sister prim An attempt to repair= she tries to overcome the threat A resolution= a new equilibrium is established The plot is linear because its quite straight forward, although there is a few threats along the way The binary opposites of the hunger games katniss the main character is portrayed as a female heroine and she is quite dominant.

Representation: Katniss evrdeen is the hero , is 16 years old and has straight black hair, grey eyes, and olive skin. Her father died in a mine explosion when she is 11. Since then, to keep her family from starving in the Seam, she has had to provide for her mother and sister, using the hunting and gathering knowledge that her father taught her. Katniss doesn’t wear a costume she wears a casual army clothing. The villan is Coriolanus Snow who is a native of the Capitol and is the tyrannical and ruthless President of Panem. He is dressed likea rich, posh and snobby person would wear and this shows the social class of people in the dystopian world. There was quite a clear difference between the male and female characters in the film including their role in the narrative, their body size and shape, costumes they wear, props they carry/use, and their facial expressions they show. The film suggests certain ways of looking or dressing or behaving are normal and quite right no one really misbehaved and was quite villainous. The film does rely on old fashioned ideas of feminine and masculine qualities in the human beings, and there are quite a mixture of black, white and foreign people. The film does promote an impossible body image through katniss and peeta she is thin and beautiful and he is muscular and strong, No not all good looking , young, heterosexual people feature in the film they have some gay, lesbian and bisexual actors who feature in the film. The representation of the film appeals to the audience because lots of the audience may have the qualities that the characters have and can relate to them, Also I think the representations make the film more successful because as I stated earlier lots of people can relate to the characters because they maybe like them. avatar is a science fiction film never to forget . James Cameron’s film features many scientific possibilities that many wished were real. The main scientific element of the film was the scientific development that enabled the creation of the Avatars . the conventions included in the film is the element of space travel, an alien race, robot – like machinery advanced technology and futuristic technology and a few others. Avatar is a hybrid film and it has many subgenres such as action and adventure it has fight scenes special effects from fantasy genre and romantic gestures between characters in the film which also makes it a romance movie too. The genre helps to make the film successful by having an audience who will talk about the film a lot and some maybe science fiction fanatics. I think that avatar’s plot is very intriguing and gripping because of the special effects used throughout the film when a character goes on a mission on the distant world of Pandora. Todorov’s theory in avatar format An equilibrium- Jake before he flies to Pandora, he receives the news of his brother’s death a disruption- Jake experiences his Avatar for the first time. A recognition of the disruption- Jake realises he must save the Na’vi An attempt to repair- Jake tries to tell the Colonel that he will not spy on the Na’vi anymore A resolution- After a battle for the their home, Jake and the Na’vi must try to rebuild their society. The plot is linear because it shows all the events in chronological order. However, towards the beginning, there is a small flashback of when Jake found out that his brother died. There are some binary oppositions featured in Avatar. The main ones are: Good vs. Evil and the Population vs. Business. The story of my film will be quite successful because as I have chosen a good genre and sub genres also you have to make it appealing to your audience . Representations: are the ways in which the media portrays particular groups, communities, experiences, ideas, or topics from a particular ideological or value perspectives. Bias: is the bias or perceived bias of journalists and news producers within the mass media in the selection of events and stories that are reported and how they are covered. Stereotype : one that is regarded as embodying or conforming to a set image or type. Countertype: is a positive stereotype and emphasizes the positive features about a person. An example of a countertype is that all religious people are kind. Ideology: is a world view, a system of values, attitudes and beliefs which an individual, group or society holds to be true or important; these are shared by a culture or society about how that society should function Cultivation theory: examines the long-term effects of television. "The primary proposition of cultivation theory states that the more time people spend 'living' in the television world, the more likely they are to believe social reality portrayed on television." Reinforcement theory: is a limited effects media model applicable within the realm of communication. The theory generally states that people seek out and remember information that provides cognitive support for their pre-existing attitudes and beliefs.

response to Question 1:

Dear Mr Epstein,

Science Fiction films are based on space or time travel and life on other planets such as dystopian worlds a film that would represent this would be the hunger games. In order to create a successful science fiction film there needs stereotyping because the audience who are watching the film can relate to the characters although some people think stereotyping is bad. For example George Lucas who was the director of star wars film and it was released in 1977 and has the use of todrov’s theory equilibrium = when Luke and his  family are sitting at the dinner table at the beginning of the story . disequilibrium= is when lukes town is destroyed and his family are killed. concept of sci-fi films is Propps theory of characters I have set them out in a star wars format so the hro is Luke sky walker, false hero is Hans solo, helper c3p0, prize is princess leia, and the villai is darth vader. Films that follow this theory are successful because they are easy for the audience to understand and follow by using a wide variety of characters without making it too complicated.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a Science Fiction. This book is science fiction because it happens in the future. This is because it takes place in Panem, a place once known as North America. The author renamed North America to be a totally different place called Panem. Much of Star Wars does deal with advanced technology, which seems to put it in the realm of science fiction. We may not have hyper drives that allow for interstellar travel, but we can easily see manned spaceships that travel to other planets as a natural progression from traveling to the moon and sending unmanned probes to other planets in our solar system. Some of the technology in Star Wars is not even that far off; for example, scientists have already been able to create miniature light saber like devices. In Neil Blomkamp’s District 9 pays homage to the genre with its inclusion of the typical narrative theme of body horror. A specific intertextual reference is made to David Croenberg’s the fly a previous Sci- Fi film this gratifies the preferred audiences viewing needs. The film includes futuristic technology such as weapons, gas. Rocket launchers, guns and the technology such as space ships, space costume the aliens wear and the chemicals they use etc. the robots aliens some were half robot and half alien, they were attacking Johannesburg and they have been sectioned off by humans but they want to leave but want to investigate why? In Doug Liman’s Edge of tomorrow features futuristic vehicles, futuristic weapons, locations around the world, robots to fight against, war happening but don’t know why and recognition of people with the futuristic vehicles such as planes and helicopters, futuristic weapons- guns in suit, bullet proof suit and helmet etc. the locations it is set in around the world, robots of fight against , war is happening but they don’t know why and the recognition of people. In interstellar the conventions are Sci-fi = space ships, scientific language, different planets, universe and galaxy. Action = when driving through cornfields chasing drones, and trying to hide from dust storms. Adventure = going through space into a different galaxy and world were time and things are different Alien Sci- fi conventions: Horror conventions: Action conventions: Adventure conventions: Galaxy Quest Sci-fi conventions: Comedy conventions: Action conventions: Adventure conventions: Elysium Sci- fi conventions: Action conventions: Adventure conventions: Avatar Sci – fi conventions: Fantasy conventions: Action conventions: Adventure conventions: Sci-fi Horror Comedy Action – adventure Romance Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Thirst The Devil Wears Prada Gone girl Fantasy Wizard of Oz Last wave Inside out Pan Sci-fi Star wars The purge The Martian Inception Western The phantom empire Haunted Gold The hateful eight The lone ranger

Sunday 3 January 2016

half term homework

A trailer is used for advertisement or a commercial for a feature film that will be launched in cinemas in the future. The term "trailer" comes from their having originally been shown at the end of a feature film screening. My trailer is making meaning for my audience and the message behind the story which unravels throughout the film is to never give up on your dreams it is possible to achieve you just need to make it happen whether you may have a disability or learning difficulties you CAN do it if you put your mind to it. The representational issues in my trailer is disability because one of the main characters in my film has a mental illness which is schizophrenia and the representational issue plays a big role when creating a film. The film language works quite well, for instance the camera, editing and the sound. it is shot with extreme wide shot throughout the film but it does change. The audience are supposed to get pleasure from watching a film and they are left with a feeling of excitement because they want to know what will happen next and it will keep them on the edge of there seats also the more people that watch my film the more people will talk about how good/bad it was and recommendations the uses and gratifications is that my film is for all ages and anyone can watch it whether your 5 or 85 you will still like it. The unique selling point of my film is that i will advertise it and a lot of hard work will go into the designing and promotion. The iconography are the connotations of my character for example, the clothing that he wears once the audience look at what he is wearing they will know exactly what film the clothes came from. The part of the narrative which are revealed is the part when the boy tries to destroy the dystopian world and there is a massive explosion and the audience can imagine what will happen next because its the most exciting bit. in my opinion i think that it is a quite good trailer and its not because its my own i have asked my friends what they think of it and they have reviewed it quite good its better than some of those low cost films although my film is low cost i doesn't show.