Monday 9 November 2015

Archetype: is a term used by Carl Jung to describe universal and recurring characters. the root of this word comes from greek archetypos this means 'first of its kind'. Achretypal characters share certain common features that possess elements of universality. They are able to transcend cultural boundaries. the term hero has long been used to identify the main character story
High Concept Film:    a high concept film is a film which  a shocking  story line that makes promotion and marketing 'easy'. for example" may the force be with you" comes from star wars and everyone always remembers where it comes from. The film normally appeals to the audience before the film has even come out because many people watch the trailers before they watch the movies  The story line usually really hooks and intrigues the audience.
Archetypes in films for instance in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory we have many archetypes for example Charlie is a very good child sometimes his character is described as a goody two shoes where as Veruca Salt is completely the opposite she is a very annoying girl is very high maintenance and expects lots of things of her parents as soon as she sees something she wants it such as the golden egg  towards the end of the film and she throws a massive tantrum. another example of an archetype is Augustus Gloop who is very glutton and lazy. as he goes round the factory he wants all the chocolate for himself and if he had it his way he would not let anyone touch it!
s way he wouldn't let anyone touch it! 

Different archetypes:

The Chief-  Gandalf from lord of the rings
The Bad boy- The Joker from batman
The best friend- Rowley from diary of the wimpy kid
The lost soul- Anakin sky walker from star wars
The charmer-  jack dawson from Titanic
The professor- DR Frankenstein from hotel Transylvania 2
The swashbuckler- Peeta Malone from hunger games
The warrior- Achilles from troy

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