Tuesday 10 November 2015

we will market our film by advertising in various different ways:

  • social networking sites
  • billboards
  • newspapers
  • magazines
  • tv advertisements 
  • the underground
  • bus stops
we chose to use these marketing techniques to advertise our film because they will be seen by many people as they are shown easily for the public. 

social networking sites: the internet has become more popular in the modern day, most people(typically teenagers) are using the internet more and therefore keeping with this drastic movement in society will allow our film to reach out at our target audience of 15-18 years. we will create our own social networking site pages on websites such as Facebook, Instagram etc this will allow us to reach to our target audience, allow the audience to read more information about the film, behind the scene photos etc .  we will also create our own website this will allow us to place all our behind the scenes clips, images etc, giving our audience a greater insight of our film. 

Billboards:  we will market our film by placing the theatrical and teaser posters on billboards in well advertised parts of London, London is the closest main city near our current location and by placing our image on billboards in more publicised areas will create a greater audience for our film. areas such as Trafalgar square, Piccadilly circus as they would have alot of moving film and still picture billboards. it has alot of publicity and press, also a great tourist attraction therefore expanding our audience 

newspapers and magazines: newspapers and magazines are generally used less nowadays for the teenage age group as social networking sites and the internet have reached greater globalisation. however typically the elder generation will read newspapers and magazines and our film will still reach out to them and we want to cater for as many people (in our target audience) as possible. we will chose magazines for teenagers such as 'more' and 'closer' which are all fashion and lifestyle magazines, however have a film section within, because our target audience is the same as these magazines we will target the right age group.  we also advertise in the film magazines such as 'empire ' which is due to popularity will reach a larger audience, it is an am American based company therefore our film can reach further than the united kingdom. also the newspapers will use will be ones such as 'the guardian'  as there is a section on films on their website and newspapers and are popular newspaper to advertise our film to a larger audience as well as typically the age group will be elder. 

TV adverts: advertising our film on TV will be a great advertising technique for our film as we will be reaching into a larger audience of all ages. because our film is certificated 15-18 we will advertise at around 9pm as this is where younger children - not appropriate for our film  are least likely to be watching TV. The advert will include  our film trailer both teaser and theatrical depending on the time slot allowed to us.  We will advertise on TV channels such as film4 and sky movies.  This is because they advertise and show only films and therefore would be fitting for our type of media product - our sci-fi film.  

Underground and Bus stops:  We chose to advertise our films on the underground - on posters and bill boards as well as small posters placed around, we chose bus stops and sides of buses to place our poster on to promote our film because it will reach a larger audience, according to 'www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/' - 3.5 million passenger journeys are made everyday on London's tube therefore marketing our film on the london underground will allow various amount of people different class, age etc advertising to a diverse and greater amount of people.  Bus stops give the same amount of coverage as the london underground however using bus stops we can target more local ones and well as the ones in London. 

The genre that needs to be emphasised is fairytale because it gives a different and unexpected twist to the film.

We think the parts that are more likely to appeal to our target audience is the violent scenes as well as the romantic scenes.

All aspects of the film are vitality important from the begging to the end as it keeps audience focused and interested and on the edge of their seats!

The unique selling points of the film is the cast, the better the cast the bigger the audience  

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